A man from Thompson, CT walks into a bank – true story – as he steps up to the teller she says, “Every time you come into the bank, the room lights up.” It wasn’t a romantic gesture or flattery. She was sincerely complementing him on how his attitude changed the atmosphere of the business environment. The man had some goodness inside that he was letting out everywhere he went. He wasn’t looking for other people to make him happy. He wasn’t complaining about his problems or the problems of the world. He was being the spring in the desert.
In nature, a spring has the privilege of being a life source for everything around it. It doesn’t benefit from the animals and plants who draw strength from it, but the whole region benefits when the spring is flowing. If the spring had a mind of its own and spitefully chose to hold back its water, the whole region would suffer, and the spring would become useless.
People are much happier when they operate like springs. Being kind to strangers and speaking wholesome and positive words make oases in the desert. Doing kind things for neighbors, picking up other people’s trash, and volunteering in the community make oases in the desert. They do not impact the whole world or irradicate all evil, but they make a difference to those close by. People can either curse the evil in the world, or they can make sure that a little good is trickling into the world through their intentional choices.
Several years ago, a preacher of a large church died. As expected, thousands attended his funeral. What was unexpected were a few employees from the local drive-thru coffee chain. They told funeral attendees that they came because the preacher was so kind that even the baristas considered him their friend. He was a spring. He wasn’t solving world hunger or being a great hero; He was just simply spreading kindness by the way he ordered his coffee.
Sometimes good people lament all the evil in the world and become distressed at those who are looting, killing and harming others. While those things should bother us, and something should be done about them, it does little good to talk about the bad news. But, while we figure ways to handle those big problems, maybe we would make more progress if hundreds of people would just become little springs of kindness. A decent number of strong springs would make a river. A river could turn a desert into a fruitful plain. It all starts with many people making small decisions to do something positive rather than just complaining about everything that’s negative. You can make a difference! You can be a spring!
If you feel you have nothing to give, say a prayer and ask for strength. That was the secret to how Jesus changed the world. He famously said “Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’” (When he said “living water,” he was speaking of the Spirit, who would be given to everyone believing in him. But the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet entered into his glory.)” (John 7:38-39 NLT)
If enough of us tap into His goodness, and let it flow through us to others, we can turn a desert into a garden. Don’t despair at the barrenness around you; just be a spring!