George plopped down in his usual place at the kitchen table. His wife watched in horror as he quietly opened a bag of aquarium rocks, poured them in a bowl, smothered them with honey and milk and began shoveling them into his mouth.
“What on earth are you doing, George?” she exclaimed, lunging for the bowl before he could get another spoonful.
“I’m eating rocks,” he replied blandly.
“I can see that,” she responded, “but that is crazy. What is going on with you?”
“Well, Miriam,” he explained, “I have been on a health food quest for a few years now. I have met with several dieticians, talked to my doctor, read books and blogs, watched videos, and talked to friends about what diet is best. Everyone I talk to has a different opinion. No two doctors or educators seem to agree. Some renowned experts advise a low protein diet, others say the key is low carbs, many recommend low fat food and still others claim only a strict vegetarian diet is healthy. Hardly anyone still believes what my teachers taught me in grade school.”
“I can’t argue with that,” conceded Miriam, “but I don’t get this.”
“Well,” George continued, “Each one of the experts has a great line of reasoning and a lot of data to back them up, but most of them are also in the business to make money. So, I don’t know who to trust. All my searching has left me confused and disillusioned about ever finding the right diet. Since there are so many options and the experts can’t agree, I have decided I can’t believe in any of their theories. So, I am just going to eat rocks!”
“But, sweetheart,” argued Miriam, “you can’t give up on all food just because not everyone agrees on the perfect diet. I think they would all agree that rocks are not the solution!”
Miriam makes a good point. George seems to be “throwing the baby out with the bath water.” In the same way, some people have given up on God and faith just because not all believers are in complete agreement on everything. Wouldn’t it make more sense to learn from everyone and try to discover how what they have learned can help you in your own life? Declaring to be an atheist, just because not everyone agrees on theology, is like declaring that you will eat rocks, because not everyone believes the same healthy diet. It is like throwing the baby out with the bath water.
Besides, according to the most read and trusted book ever written, God is not an inanimate bundle of truth. He is not just a concept. He is alive and interested in helping sincere believers find their way. I challenge all sincere seekers to talk to God every day for 30 days, asking Him for direction and evidence that He is real. See if the ultimate expert doesn’t give you a little help in finding your way. Don’t settle for a bowl of rocks.