Time-traveler from the 15th century: “That is crazy! If you believe that, I have a bridge I want to sell you”
Twenty-first century guide: “No, I’m dead serious. There are thousands of words and pictures traveling through the atmosphere, all around us. All you need is a device that can detect and decode them.”
Time Traveler: “I don’t see or hear anything, and I’ve never heard anything like it in all my life!”
Guide, as she takes out her cell phone and clicks on her favorite app: “Let me show you. See, I am making a video call to my sister in Australia. Hi Sarah, I just wanted to crash Tina’s party…See, that is my niece opening her presents. Today is her birthday. You can’t see the words and pictures traveling through the air, but here is the evidence.”
If time travel were possible, we can all imagine how difficult it would be for someone to believe in some of the things we take for granted. I wonder if a similar conversation may have taken place 2000 years ago on another topic. It may have gone like this:
Mary: “I am telling you the truth. An angel just appeared out of nowhere and told me I would become pregnant. Then another angel showed up in my fiancé’s dream and told him I was going to have a baby, but that he should not be afraid to marry me, because I had not done anything immoral.”
Skeptic: “I don’t believe you. I have never seen an angel.”
Mary: “But look, there is Jesus, my son, performing miracles. And, I had never slept with a man when he was born. Besides that, angels appeared to shepherds on the night he was born and told them where to find us.”
Skeptic: “I still don’t believe you.”
Mary: “Sadly there are many people who don’t have the faith to believe in and experience the supernatural world. But it has been a great blessing to me, and I have been given one of the greatest honors that could be given to a human being.”
There are so many things we can’t see or fully comprehend; like forgiveness, the infilling of the Holy Spirit, healing, angels, and eternal life. But believers all over the world have been experiencing little evidences of those things for centuries. The skeptic may never believe, but those who have faith, and are sensitive, will experience the miraculous and lay hold of eternal life – believe it or not!