They blended their hearts and voices together on a hot June day. Weary travelers near the end of a thousand-mile journey from the pyramids of Egypt, through the wilderness of Sin, into the promised land, and then in the steps that Jesus had walked over two thousand years before. They had navigated at least four tense border crossings (including the Jordan River) so they could sit within a few feet of the places Jesus was likely crucified and buried. Forty-five people who were five thousand five hundred miles from their homeland communed together for the first time. Teenagers, singles, marrieds, parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, led by someone they barely knew, sat in the shade of a beautiful garden as they reflected, prayed and sang together.
Although some were male and some female, some young and others not so young, these fellow travelers from multiple ethnicities were able to let God have a few minutes to speak. It was almost as if heaven were whispering, “It is possible for love to prevail. People from various backgrounds and faiths can share a taste of heaven together.” As they sipped from the tiny communion cups and nibbled on the slivers of bread, they focused on Jesus, and love, joy and peace rippled through their hearts. The supper they were sharing was just a sample, as was the little taste of heaven they were experiencing.
Catholics, protestants, conservatives, liberals… people who had only spent a few days together on a long journey, unified for a few minutes and forgave, like their Lord – blanket, unconditional forgiveness – to every offender. They expressed their faith in the blood of the spotless lamb that was shed nearby, and they heard heaven whisper healing and peace. In those few moments hearts were healed and relationships were restored.
What could be the result if the whole world would focus less on their differences and more on the sacrificial life and death of Jesus? What if millions or billions of diverse people would accept Jesus’ message of forgiveness and love? Perhaps heaven would be shouting!