My life has been blessed. At times as I have found myself leading conferences, overseeing projects, speaking to audiences, writing books, or making video projects like this one. I feel unworthy and surprised at my good fortune. Because my work has often been if front of others, people have often asked me how I got where I am. I often detect that some are in search of a formula or a short cut to success. Others are trying to figure out how to let God maximize their potential. They often imagine that my journey was full of big breaks or divine moments.
While I can look back on key moments or divine appointments, I can honestly say that most of my opportunities came as ordinary invitations to serve. The roles and jobs I have filled seemed to all present themselves as needs: the need for a primary teacher… the need for a bus captain… the need for someone to scrape and paint the church. It was as I did my best to meet a need, that people began to trust me with responsibilities and positions. My willingness to do unattractive tasks created some of my greatest opportunities.
So, people are surprised when I tell them that the path to God’s best life is marked by many positive responses to opportunities to serve. This is counter-intuitive, but it tracks with Jesus’ advice to his disciples in Matthew 10:42-44 NLT:
So, Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else.
Could it be that some of your biggest breaks or most meaningful roles are waiting for you in the form service to others. If our goal is to serve others, we will never lack for things to do. If we serve as Jesus did, expecting nothing in return, we can experience the kind of ministry He experienced. Jesus went about doing good, no matter how bad the world around Him seemed to be. Jesus demonstrated that it is possible to draw our strength from God, and take every opportunity to give to others, and to live in joy no matter how people respond, or what position people are willing to bestow. He was working at a kingdom level and did not keep score as to how He benefitted. He invites us to do the same.