They found her curled up in a hall closet, hidden behind a pile of dirty clothes. When the policeman opened the door, she winced and buried her head between her knees, shivering.
“You are safe now,” he cooed. “We are the police. No one is going to hurt you anymore.”
But, instead of relaxing, her six-year-old, emaciated frame shook even more noticeably. Every officer present quickly understood the child’s terror. Her house had obviously been in disarray for years. There were signs of violence and neglect everywhere. Her body bore the marks of abuse. Her parents had both been arrested on drug charges. And now, she was all alone.
“How would you like to go with us for a good hot lunch,” suggested the officer, eager to help the poor child. “What is your favorite food?”
She relaxed a bit and mumbled, “Pizza, but why would you buy my lunch? You don’t know me. I haven’t earned it. My dad even said I was no good.”
Thus began a long process of trust-building conversations to help this abandoned child believe that there are good people in the world. Strangers who will do nice things and give you gifts, even if you have done nothing to earn their kindness. She could not believe someone would take her to dinner, just to be nice. She had never dared to believe she would ever be free to make her own decisions. The thought never crossed her mind that she actually had any value.
This little girl could represent so many people who have experienced a life of pain, neglect, and abuse. Years of imprisonment in a loveless situation have, understandably, caused many to become hard and skeptical. Life has taught them that they are not worthy. People have treated them so poorly that they feel worthless. Then, when someone comes along and offers them grace (undeserved favor), they react with suspicion and fear. They have an even harder time believing that there is a good God who offers a heavenly home to those who will let Him be their God. It sounds too good to be true.
But the Good News of the Gospel is not just the news that all sins can be forgiven; it is news that Jesus wants to join His spirit to yours and give you all the internal love and power you need to live an abundant life. God not only forgives; He gives free gifts to all His children. Just by believing and obeying God, someone can move from being alone and rejected to being an integral part of the greatest endeavor of all time. They can move from being derided to being affirmed. They can leave their closet and enjoy blessings unlike they have ever known.
The enemy accuses, berates and controls. God affirms, blesses, and sets people free to be the best they can be. God gives obedient believers meaningful roles in His kingdom. He does wonderful works, through them – and all of this is on His dime. It is not because we are good; it is because He is righteous and good and loving. He uses the imperfect, the wounded, the intimidated…All they have to do is learn to accept and give His great grace. What a difference when someone is inspired by grace.