All We Need To Do Is Trust

There is a video on my hard drive that documents four and a half minutes of my life. I was flying, like a bird. Well, more like a bird in a hurricane. It was my long-awaited attempt at indoor skydiving. The advertisements were so appealing, and it looked like a lot of fun – and not all that hard. Having arrived a few minutes


Angie opened her eyes slowly, adjusting to the bright light that flooded through her window. She felt like she had been run over by a Mac truck. As she took in her surroundings, she saw monitor wires taped to her chest, IV lines that that had been inserted into her veins, and a catheter that was working to keep her digestive system working. She

A Problem God Can’t Solve

It is often said that the two most difficult things to do in life are to climb a fence that is leaning toward you or kiss a woman who is leaning away from you. A third difficulty that ranks up at the top would be: to help someone who does not want help. As a minister, I routinely offer information or advice that is

Gas Your Plants

Puzzled at the repugnant odor polluting the early morning air, Jerome slows from a jog to a shuffle, then to a complete stop in front of his neighbor’s picket fence. Spotting Jim with a watering can, he breaks the silence. “He neighbor, beautiful morning, isn’t it?” “Wonderful!” replies Jim. “Say,” continues Jerome, “do you smell that? It smells like gasoline.” “Yeah,” Jim replies, smiling