Fatherhood; Often Underappreciated

Who originally penned the words is not clear, but this oft-quoted truth is clear and thought-provoking: “Dads are like a steady but less sentimentalized institution — the sun in our familial sky that warms and gives life but isn’t much thought about unless he goes missing.” As a son, a father, and a long-time pastor, that statement resonates with me. Fatherhood is often unappreciated. 

Believe it or Not

Time-traveler from the 15th century: “That is crazy! If you believe that, I have a bridge I want to sell you” Twenty-first century guide: “No, I’m dead serious. There are thousands of words and pictures traveling through the atmosphere, all around us. All you need is a device that can detect and decode them.” Time Traveler: “I don’t see or hear anything, and I’ve never

God Hates It!

It is an abomination to God; wicked, vile, exceptionally loathsome, hateful, and sinful. Satan used it to inspire the first sin. It was a motivator in the first recorded murder. It has been the reason for, and the theme in, most wars since the beginning of mankind. It has been used by tyrants to justify the murder of millions, by educators to impose godless

An Adventure in Loving

Motherhood is an adventure in loving. There are no guarantees and no guidebooks that can adequately prepare mothers for their incredibly important task. Only massive doses of love can insure the job is done properly, because there is no tougher job than tending a garden of souls. Stories like this one remind me of how unpredictable and interesting a mother’s job can be: My