I Saw Heaven

I saw the Garden of Gethsemane over 25 years ago. Just not in person. My father-in-law, who was also my pastor, was able to take the trip he had long dreamed of to see The Holy Land. Since the church he led funded his trip, we arranged for him to call us during a Sunday Service. We heard him describe the place he was

Wanted: Intercessors

In his biography entitled Rees Howells Intercessor, Norman Grubb describes a prayer campaign that impacted the world. Mr. Howells was a Welch minister who founded a Bible school where the students lived by faith and focused on intercessory prayer (prayer on behalf of others). They went to bat for their nation and the world. Several years before the outbreak of World War II Howells said,

Surprised When God Answered

Throughout the centuries after the life of Jesus, the progress of the church has ebbed and flowed. Sometimes God’s people have done well, and at other times they have strayed far from God and His truths. Whenever He could find them, God used people to restore the church to the right paths. The church, at large, began straying away from a Biblical view of

It’s a Big Deal

The casual tourist can take a forty-minute cab ride from Framingham, MA, through the heart of Boston to the airport. In the process they will travel through what used to be neighborhoods and business districts, and they will drive under buildings, subway lines, and the Boston harbor. To them it may not seem like it, but the highway they will travel is a big