Certainly, all who believe in God and pray would like his or her prayers to effective. But sometimes it is hard to know what to pray. James, the brother of Jesus wrote: “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” (James 1:5 NLT) If we apply that to prayer, one would be wise
Thompson is buzzing with the news. For the first time in decades one of its most prominent homes is swarming with life. The William Mason house, located at 20 Chase Rd. in Thompson, CT, is being restored! This house is a classic example of a Gothic Revival house that was built circa 1845. Mason was a mill owner and lived on Thompson Hill where
He sat quietly thinking… disconcerted. Being a man of action, he was comfortable with bold emotions like anger or heroic action, but today he was non-plussed, thinking: “Maybe there was too much water under the bridge and my life is over.” “Maybe I put all my eggs in the wrong basket.” “Maybe the pundits, academics and politicians had been right, even though they had
On April 8,1630, four ships left the English Isle of Wight. On the ship named Arbella was a puritan lawyer by the name of John Winthrop, his two sons, and many other future colonial leaders. Their ships joined seven more ships in a convoy to the New World. He was leading a group of 700 migrants to the Massachusetts bay colony where he would