Truth Makes Free

Suppose a private shuttle pilot was flying a single engine plane over the ocean and was struck by an unidentified object. While attempting to radio for help he realizes that his radio has been damaged. Soon, he notices a small stream of gas spraying out the side of the engine housing. Being far from the mainland he frantically redirects his small craft toward the

Seek Him

Franklin and Nelson sat at their table at Griswold Inn in Essex, CT, like they had every morning sinceJune of 1800. Their lives were routine and their conversations were usuallybland. This morning they gratefully welcomed the interruption of an animatedconversation at the next table. A bearded man dressed in leathers and smellingrather ripe was chattering excitedly to a couple of businessmen. Nelson,usually the more

Christmas Take-aways

The true Christmas transformed the world. Whether someone believes what the Bibleteaches about Christmas or not, it must be acknowledged that the birth of JesusChrist impacted the world more than the birth of any other human being inhistory. But it is even bigger than history. God coming to earth as a man (theincarnation) may not have been the most significant thing God will ever

For Love

Lorenzo couldn’t believe his eyes or his luck. He was vaguely aware of his uncle’s chatter and of his friends who were busy capturing photos for their social media posts. But his attention was focused on the beauty that sat before him. His heart raced as he surveyed the 129-hp, 200-cu in straight-six engine, the leather seats and the classic curves of the Caspian