Gentle Power

But Lester’s most distinguishing feature was best illustrated by the picture that graced their living room wall, in which he was holding his 7 pound, 6 ounce, newborn daughter. She was sleeping contentedly on his massive outstretched hand and forearm. Her little head lay in the palm of his hand and her feet barely reached the crook of his elbow. For the first few

Thanksgiving Together

Thanksgiving can be such a wonderful time of year in New England. Having just enjoyed a colorful fall and looking forward to a festive Christmas, Thanksgiving can still have the flavor or relaxing and spending time with family and friends. We just need to be intentional about preserving such a special time. Thankfully, retailers have not yet hijacked the holiday as thoroughly as other

Salvation is a “Get To” Thing

It was a Cinderella-type romance. The 19-year-old girl had come from a dysfunctional home where she was mistreated and unappreciated. Because of poverty and limited educational and work experience her hope of ever bettering her life was non-existent. Then “he” came along. He was polite, well-off, gainfully employed and very interested in the beautiful young lady who now sat opposite him at the candle-lit

A Fresh Start

For a second time that Saturday before Memorial Day emergency workers scrambled to save the life of D.B.  As they loaded him into their ambulance they could see where his face had been charred by the tailpipe of his 1969 Ford Galaxie 500. He had been pinned under the 2,000-pound car, after his wife accidentally ran over his chest as he lay drunk on