It was first proposed in the 3rd century BC by Aristarchus of Samos, but it took another 1,300 years for another astronomer, by the name of Nicolaus Copernicus, to make it popular. Its scientific name is Heliocentrism, and it is the belief that the earth revolves around the sun. Until the 16th century most humans held to the geocentric model which taught that the
You may have heard about the absent-minded professor who left his ivory tower in the metropolis and set out to vacation in the middle of the country. Having found the perfect oasis he enjoyed a few days of rest and then began contemplating his quality of life. On a whim he decided he would tackle a long-term issue that was small, but increasingly bothersome,
Suppose tomorrow’s lead news story read as follows: “Pandemonium broke out yesterday afternoon at The Louvre in Paris, France, when a 33 year old aspiring artist disabled a security guard, shattered the 1.52 inch-thick protective glass, and immediately began painting a bigger smile on the face of the Mona Lisa! The culprit was apprehended and jailed, but not before doing incalculable damage. Experts are
They are small and inconspicuous yet incredibly destructive. Their strength lies in their large numbers, their unity, and the fact that they work behind the scenes and underground. They topple buildings, destroy valuable artifacts and devastate properties owned by the rich and the poor alike. They have colonies on almost every continent and seem willing to demolish property, irrespective of the owner’s race, creed