The Blame Game

Politicians are universally despised; Especially those who cheat, break laws and then blame their opponents for all the problems they helped cause. It has become so prevalent that many are commenting that when a politician makes an accusation you can be sure they are doing the very thing they are accusing their opponent of doing. It’s the blame game, and it seems to work.


“What do you want to be when you grow up?” Julie asked her teenage friends.  The answers were immediate: “I want to be an actress… I want to be a millionaire…I want to be a pop artist…  I’m moving out of this little town to the city.” Each of them expressed their desire to finally live a life that was in some way more remarkable than

Be A Spring

A man from Thompson, CT walks into a bank – true story – as he steps up to the teller she says, “Every time you come into the bank, the room lights up.” It wasn’t a romantic gesture or flattery. She was sincerely complementing him on how his attitude changed the atmosphere of the business environment. The man had some goodness inside that he


I was proud of them as they led the meeting. They were twenty or thirty years my junior, but I felt like they were doing a great job. Fulfilling roles I had once filled, they were well-spoken, respectful and on point. God was using them to change lives. Although they had been raised in a more radical world than I, they were able to