The Believers’ Challenge

I was petrified. It was my first year in college. My palms were sweaty, my mouth was dry, and I was doing a lot of second guessing. I was 1,700 miles from home and about to do something I had never done before; I had the opportunity to give a speech before a real audience. Grant it, it was only a ten-minute speech. But

Honest to God

A sandy-haired, ten-year-old, who was lovingly referred to as “Do-little” by his friends, sat spell-bound on the cold cement bench in an award-winning “city jungle” – better known as the County Zoo. Oblivious to the constant flow of gawking, chattering patrons, he studied the magnificent beast that sat on the hill not more than 100 feet away. Giant man-made rocks and fifty-foot shade trees

Opportunities to Serve

My life has been blessed. At times as I have found myself leading conferences, overseeing projects, speaking to audiences, writing books, or making video projects like this one. I feel unworthy and surprised at my good fortune. Because my work has often been if front of others, people have often asked me how I got where I am. I often detect that some are

Heaven Whispers

They blended their hearts and voices together on a hot June day. Weary travelers near the end of a thousand-mile journey from the pyramids of Egypt, through the wilderness of Sin, into the promised land, and then in the steps that Jesus had walked over two thousand years before.  They had navigated at least four tense border crossings (including the Jordan River) so they could