What proof is there that Jesus existed?
First, consider that Tacitus, who hated Christians, acknowledges in his (116 AD) biography of Nero (A) the existence of a person called “Christus”, (B) Christus’ association with the start of Christianity, (C) His death during Tiberius’ reign (14–37 AD), specifically (D) His death during the rule of Pontius Pilate (26-36 AD), and (E) that He “suffered the extreme penalty”, a reference to crucifixion.
Second, consider that a Roman governor of Bithynia, Pliny the Younger, in a 112 AD letter to Emperor Trajan, recounts that Christians met on a fixed day to sing verses to Christ “as to a God”. Implying Pliny understood Christ to be an actual man, and Christians he knew understood that man to be God.
Third, consider that Josephus, the famed first-century Jewish historian refers to the execution of James “the brother of Jesus the so-called Christ.” More importantly, a second reference depicts Jesus as a “wise man”, who “wrought surprising feats”, and was crucified under Pilate. Possible even stronger references were made by Josephus, but many believe they originated with a later, biased Christian editor.
Fourth, consider that the Babylonian Talmud, a collection of Jewish rabbinical writings cite a man named Yeshu (a variation of Yeshua, the Hebrew name for Jesus) was hanged (or crucified) during the Passover for practicing sorcery and enticing Israel to apostasy, familiar accusations to the Jesus we knew.
Fifth, consider that Lucian, a second century Greek wrote of a distinguished sage, worshiped by Christians, who introduced novel ways, was a lawgiver, and was crucified for it. Furthermore, this man taught that Christians were brothers from their conversion, that they should deny Greek gods, and live after His laws.
These are five reliable, nonbiblical, in fact, non-Christian sources which say, Jesus:
- was a wise, powerful teacher
- performed miraculous feats
- was crucified under Pontius Pilate during Tiberius’ reign
- was crucified on the eve of the Passover
- was believed by Christians to be God and was worshiped as God
Finally, consider that the first biography of Alexander the Great was written 400 years after his death. Meanwhile, the first Gospel account dates to 5 years after Jesus’ resurrection. There are 7 manuscripts of Plato’s Tetralogies; there are 49 of Aristotle’s Ode to Poetics. Meanwhile, 25,000 New Testament manuscripts have been discovered. There is no doubt of Alexander’s conquest, or of Plato’s and Aristotle’s writings, and yes there is no doubt, Jesus existed.
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